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What You Can Do 

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving nature and reducing the most pressing threats to biodiversity on Earth. (About Us, WWF) You can support WWF’s tiger conservation and anti-poaching efforts by donating HERE: 

National Geographic is a nonprofit scientific and educational institution focused on geography, archeology, natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation. (About Us, National Geographic) You can support National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiviatve by donating HERE: 

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a non-governmental, science-based organization that focuses on conserving wildlife and ecosystems. (About Us, WCS) You can support WCS’s anti-poaching efforts by donating HERE: 

There are many ways that you can help to save Siberian Tigers, whether you can donate money or not! Here are some simple ways that will make a huge impact in the fate of the Siberian Tiger:




If you have the means, donating money to help fund conservation and preservation efforts is one of the most effective ways to save this critical species. Here a few organizations you can donate to that are dedicated to protecting endangered species and conserving nature



Sign Up!


Signing petitions and pledges is a free and easy way to enforce protection and conservation of tigers.



Here are a few you can sign right now:


Take the World Wildlife Foundation’s pledge to stop the demand for illegal animals parts and products, which will help to stop wildlife crime: 






Sign the World Wildlife Foundation’s petiton to close loopholes surrounding the ownership captive tigers in the US, which can leave wild tigers and people vulnerable: 

Take Action!


Taking action could mean becoming educated, signing petitions and pledges, or choosing to purchase tiger-friendly products. However you choose to take action will greatly benefit the preservation of Siberian Tigers.



Choose Products Wisely!


Poaching and illegal logging are major threats to the survival of the Siberian Tiger. There are a few things you can do in order to ensure that the products you are buying do not support these unsustainable practices.


Make sure not to purchase endangered species products when on vacation or at home, even if that tiger pelt would make the perfect rug for your foyer.


Look for certification labels on products such as Rainforest Alliance Certified and Fair Trade Certified. Try to buy paper products that are 100% recycled and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.  

Looking for these details will allow you to rest easy knowing that you are not supporting the collapse of Siberian Tigers and other endangered species worldwide. (Take Control of Your Purchasing Power, 2011)

Become Educated!


The good news is that by visiting this site, you are off to a great start on your tiger education journey! By reading the information provided by this site you now know the basic reasons why tigers are endangered, why it is essential to save this species, and how you can help protect the Siberian Tiger. Of course, it is still important to continue researching and learning about Siberian Tigers and what you can do to save this keystone species. Educating others on what you have learned is another great step you can take to help protect tigers!

 Click                   to Adopt a Tiger


Critically Endangered



Only 540 Wild Indivduals

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