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If nature has made something more beautiful than a Tiger then I sure don't know what it is. My opinion on saving the tigers is very strong. Tigers are so majestic and they are  key apex predators. When we went to the Zoo the other day and we saw all the animals there was one that really caught everyone's eyes, it was the Siberian Tiger. Seeing it made me have a different look at the beautiful animal and made my opinion on saving the species so much more concrete. Habitat loss is only one of several significant threats towards tiger’s survival. As long as the demand and market for tiger parts in traditional Chinese medicine thrive, lives of tigers will be threatened. Economic and political circumstances within many of the places where tigers are struggling require serious attention and international support. 





















Everyone this is our last chance to save the Siberian Tiger, there is a merely 400-500 tigers left in the wild and only part of them is being protected in which all other them should be protected from poaches in a wildlife reserve. Tragically, each kill only increases the rarity  and price of wild tigers. Despite the trade in parts and skins being banned by the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, Chinese communities across Asia still use tiger parts, including eyes and ears, in medicines and tonics. Rice wine made with tiger bones is sold as a health drink as an aid to cure arthritis and rheumatism, while tiger's penises are used in treatments for erectile dysfunction.


We need to get under this and bring more attention to this subject instead of worrying about small dumb thing worry about this and how we might never see tigers in the wild ever again.

Uses of tiger body parts in various cultures is key element to the upcoming extinction of wild tigers. Despite the fact that all international commercial trade of tigers has been banned since 1987, some countries allow the breeding of captive tigers on a commercial scale. In many cases, products from these tigers are winding up on the black market, driving demand for tiger products from both wild and farmed sources. Recently the owners of several large tiger “farms” in China have been pressuring the government to lift the domestic trade ban and allow them to legally produce tiger products, and at least one farm was caught selling tiger bone wine and meat illegally.( Save Tigers Now,2015)My opinion on the illegal trade of tigers bone, meat and etc. should be under more surveillance. The fact the people are killing them for sport and poachers are killing them off saddens me that the world has come to this low of an era where we are killing these beautiful animals..

Why the Tigers Should Be Saved

By: Ryder Morford


Critically Endangered



Only 540 Wild Indivduals

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